Two Fat Ladies Sail Again

Two Fat Ladies Sail Again

Monday, 31 March 2008

Two Fat Ladies Weekend Does Not Quite Go To Plan

Well, Im a bit gutted but it cant be helped. Chris got back home from Marrakech [] late last Thursday with a really bad chesty cough/cold.

This was the first chance he had to tell me he was not able to do the race and so I only had Friday to try and find a replacement. Typically enough this time round no one had contacted Ivan looking for a team mate and every one else I know either couldn't or wouldn't.

Since I had arranged to be there anyway, and knowing that they are always short of marshals, I decided to offer my services for the day. Obviously I would have preferred to race and wondered if I would just end up bored to tears all day and regretting going but ended up being plesantly suprised as I will cover in my next post


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